September 9, 2008

The Clearing in My Head

The cloud that has taken over my head is finally parting ways. I woke up this morning to a quiet home. Children slept in and are now playing quietly with each other. The sun is shining in all it's glory and filling the sky with a golden smile. JJ Heller's cd's playing through the speakers...what a heart of worship she has...and what a blessing to me every time I listen!

You could say that I am procrastinating right now, no one has eaten breakfast yet, still in my pajamas, but I am taking it slow today because my head maybe feeling better but I can still feel that the pain is there hiding behind one of the corners of my mind, really it's behind my eye.

"Choose you this day whom you will serve" flows through my mind. Yesterday I didn't do such a good job at making the right choice. But I know the Lord is still there. Drowning in the pain won't make anything better for anyone. I must move on knowing that the Lord has not given me anything that I can not handle and with Him all things are possible!! There is light at the end of every tunnel!
My children are a blessing and a gift that He has given me and I have been given the opportunity to share of His goodness with them. I should be grateful.

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