July 1, 2010

July is here...

It's already July! 
It looks like this might be our last week of comfortable weather and then starting 
next Tuesday the 90's will be upon us. 
Oh drab!  Would love to have a new swimming pool we can actually swim in but do I really want to spend the money is the question? Right now the prices are pretty reasonable... but we don't have the cash in hand and do we really want to add it to "the card" Oh bother. 
Had a baking kind of day yesterday but only got a couple things baked. PB Cookies and these French Breakfast Puffs! 
I actually bought the cookbook and I'm very happy with it and can't wait to try some more of her good home cookin'!
Book Club... Haven't talked about that for a while, yup, still doing that. Have gotten through most of the books. Right now we are reading Peter Pan and then we will go onto Uncle Tom's Cabin, which I have already started because it is a lot to get through. I believe we only have a few books left after these two... To Kill A Mockingbird and The Scarlet Pimpernel.
We were at B&N the other day because I wanted to get David Kirsch's Butt Book and ended up walking out the door with the The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Our oldest has already read a couple of Edgar Allan's poems.
The Butt Book is pretty cool! Nice to find something to deal with just the butts in our lives. There are work outs for all types and a very short meal plan tip and what you need to do if you go to the gym. I really like the illustrations, they make me laugh. Funny how we as females are always spoken of as food items. =] I don't mind, I think it is funny.

I finally caught a bird at my bird feeder a bit ago!
 When I went out walking this morning there were a whole bunch of these little guys flying around, on top of many others. It was nice, and then we had to get out of the car to walk and they all flew away.

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