June 11, 2012

Can not believe in a few days school will be out for summer! 
Doing well, the sick bug has finally left us, at least I hope it did and isn't hiding in some crevasse some where. 
Will have a teenager soon... it is obvious by the hormones trailing behind him. I do hope and pray that he can level out quickly because, oh my, the boy has turned into some strange alien and even he doesn't get it. 

Doing well on the vemma of course, who wouldn't, it's what your body needs and it works!!  Can feel things changing here and there but it doesn't last long.

Done some sewing here and there, have a few things to get in my Etsy Shop. More things to crochet... have a Christmas order to fill already which is nice. 
Guess I should start getting busy. 
Good day to you <3

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