August 7, 2009

It been another long week about finished.
Lots of walking, work outs and busy busy busy!
My friend and I headed out to Multnomah Falls on Wednesday and hiked all the way to the top. I actually did alright considering my fear of heights and water... But the waters were calm and so it made it a little easier to handle. The photo on the left is from the very top... and the one on the right is the bridge at the bottom where it all begins.
It ended up being a great day... But my body is paying for it now, not moving to well and I am exhausted. It was all worth it though!!

4 more weeks till school starts!!!! I have some more papers to take into the school when they open the offices up again the end of this month. Then we will be set. Feeling a little bit like an outcast from some of the homeschooling people but oh well... this is what I need to do at this time in our lives... who knows down the road we may try the schooling at home again.

A little over half way through with "Hinds Feet On High Places" for the book club I'm in then will be starting "A Girl Of The Limber lost" I am actually enjoying this book club thing... It gives me an excuse to sit down and read! Because honestly I wouldn't be reading much if I didn't have this kind of support.

Well I am really hungry all of a sudden and I need to go get lunch going for the kids and I.
Happy weekend!!!

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