June 1, 2010

Today my living room is the laundry room... All seating is full of clothes that need to be folded and put in their proper place. Will they get in their proper place in the same condition as they were in the living room? Highly doubt it but that is one fight I have learned to forfeit. You can fold them to perfection but inevitably they end up shoved hastily into the drawers. 
You have to pick your fights and this one is just not something I should get all worked up about at this time. 
No I don't just let the kids do what they want with their laundry, I have taught them where their clothes go and how it should look... it is just short lived and I have better things to worry about.

It has felt like Autumn out the last few months... can't believe we are in June and there is still a chill in the air. It hasn't been to bad, but a whole lot wetter, I think, then last year. Have no idea what Summer will bring us but I hope we get a good handful of sunshine at least.

The kids will be out of school soon and then we will keep going forward with their learning. Got a few workbooks today and they are set up in lessons so the kids will have a few pages to do per day and then we will, Lord willing, be reading... Will probably do the library summer reading plan so that they can keep track and have a goal to reach.

Yup, same ol' same ol' 

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